Fields marked * are mandatory

First name *
Surname *
Company/Organisation *
Size of organisation *
Industry *
Phone number *
Email *
Your enquiry *
What business services are you interested in? (tick all that apply)

Web address *

Data protection statement

The University will use the personal data you supplied to process and respond to your enquiry. From time to time the University would like to send you information about our services, products and latest news that we feel, based on your enquiry, would be of interest to you. Please let us know if you would like us to contact you or not by selecting one of the options below.

If at any time you change your mind and would like the University to stop sending such information, please contact us or 0114 225 5000. Personal data is never sold to a third party. The University seeks to comply fully with the Data Protection Act 1998 and other applicable legislation. For more information about how your personal data is used, please see our privacy policy.